Dressage Resources with Detailed Explanations
The ESSENTIAL Dressage Exercise That Nobody Uses -The Turn on the Forehand
One of the very BEST dressage exercises, hands down, is the turn on the forehand. Why is it the best? We will dig into that below. But the crazy question is, why is nobody doing it on a regular basis, or even ever??? Honestly, I have no idea because the turn on the forehand is...
Top Tips for First Level Dressage
First level dressage… A very very important level for sure, and usually one of the fullest classes at shows. In this article we will dive into the nooks and crannies of everything involving first level dressage. Know the Purpose of First Level Dressage One of the most overlooked concepts of first level dressage is, in...
The Outside Rein – Understanding its Importance and Purpose
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I guarantee you hear, see, and read TONS about the inside rein. To summarize; JUST DON’T PULL ON IT!!! You never hear much about the outside rein. It’s just inside rein this, and inside rein that…. But yes, the inside rein is VERY important. If you need a reminder...
Bend Through the Horse’s Body
Bend through the body of the horse is a critical part of dressage and it might seem like a simple concept to understand in the beginning. But then you hear someone say, “Bend is actually straightness,” and then your mind gets blown. What???? Bend is straightness? Yes, it is my friend, but the two are...
On The Forehand – What Does That Really Mean?
It’s a term you’ve heard a million times, but do you really truly know what it means for a horse to be “on the forehand?” We will dive right into that in great detail below! On The Forehand – What is it? In the simplest of terms, a horse is on the forehand when he...
What Does it Mean When a Horse is Hollow
You probably know that a hollow horse is not a pretty picture at all. In fact, we riders work so hard to avoid letting our horses get hollow. But unfortunately we may be covering up the problem rather than fixing it. The quick fix is to get the horse’s head down so he looks “pretty”...
Learn the Art of Dressage Test Riding-3 Reasons Why You Suck at Shows
Dressage test riding is a valuable skill to have once you start showing. Many riders will practice all year long, perfecting a certain test or level, only to blow it all to pieces when they actually get in the ring. Its a common frustration. But there are 3 main reasons why this happens. Below we...
Walk to Canter Transitions – How to Teach Your Horse
So you’ve mastered first level and you are ready to take the next step towards second level. Congrats! One of the hardest parts about second level is the simple change of lead. This is when you ride from a canter directly to a walk without any trot steps in between and then back to a...
The Difference Between Contact and Connection
Contact and connection. These two terms are heard regularly throughout the world of riding and are often used interchangeably. But did you know that contact and connect are not one in the same? The two terms are completely different. Once you learn to truly understand the meaning of each, your riding will soar to a...
How to Create an Extended Trot
There’s nothing more exciting than to see a beautiful horse floating across the diagonal in an extended trot. When you watch top riders executing this movement, it looks effortless. And the truth is, it should be. And you wonder how you and your horse will ever get there. Perhaps you have a decent trot lengthening,...
Effective Aids – Learn How to Use Your Aids in a Meaningful Way
“Aids” are absolutely essential when dealing with our horses. Effective aids are the means by which we train our horses to do basically everything. Also known as cues, aids can have a tremendous amount of positive influence on your horse. When used correctly, aids can be used to get your horse to do almost anything,...
Why Pulling on the Reins Just Doesn’t Work!
Imagine that feeling we all get when you want your horse to stop, or transition down a gear, and you just know in your mind that it’s gonna be difficult. It’s gonna take some effort, and muscle, to transition down. Pulling on the reins is the only option you have to muscle your heavy horse...
Welcome, Dressage Riders!
One of the biggest parts of learning to ride well in dressage involves “feel.” So many things just can’t be taught because you have to develop a “feel” for it. After years of riding you realize that you didn’t know what you didn’t know, until you knew it. -after you developed the “feel” for it.
My goal for starting this blog was to be able to describe “feel” through my articles. I love to write and make analogies about riding, comparing the principles to everyday things that everyone can understand. I hope that my content can help you to connect the dots and have inspiring “ah-ha” moments.
Below is my top 10 articles, and below that is a drop down of my entire collection. You can also use the menu up top and look under the Dressage or Horsemanship category.
In the future I plan to launch online courses, tutorials, and one-on-one coaching!